Water ballons

Today George is having another blood transfusion. His hemoglobin had dropped to 7.5. His platelets are up to 96 though which is amazing. They keep coming up on their own. His rash is almost completely gone so they will not have to do a skin biopsy. The graft versus host scare is on the back burner for now. Huge praise!! His toe nail is almost all healed up as well. So except for his hemoglobin dropping, George seems to be doing really good. Starting January 6th he will have 4 rounds of a strong chemo to try and combat the still active antibodies that are attacking his hemoglobin. He will stay on the elevated steroids for now to continue keeping them at bay until the new chemo starts in January. Today after a few rounds of clinic room baseball we decided that we would have a water play day. If you are going to stick us in a small room with a sink for an entire day then believe you me, we will figure out a way to incorporate it into our adventures. We filled up empty syringes and played water target practice. We filled the sink up and tested out which toys floated. We washed our hands so much that they pruned up. But the most fun that we had was turning the surgical gloves into water balloons. The gloves are really thick and I knew they wouldn’t pop so this indeed was a fun and non messy activity that lasted over an hour so that’s a win. After we used every glove in the box we had some fun laughs hurling them at one another. We once again managed to use up all of the medical supplies in the room. I figure we pay enough to the hospital to cover these costs and it helps keep the tiny patient occupied so it all works itself out. We will be coming back Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday next week but they gave us Christmas Day off which isn’t the case for some other patients so we are so thankful for that. George is in great spirits and is going to love Christmas this year. He is old enough to join in on the fun. A few months ago we didn’t even know if we would be out of the hospital by Christmas so this is such a blessing and the biggest gift of all. Thank you Lord. As we celebrate our saviors birth we will also be celebrating George’s health and the fact that we will be able to be together as a family this Christmas.
   Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!  2 Corinthians 9:15


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