Wolfson 55 children’s challenge

George was selected as one of the Wolfson 55 patients of the year for 2020. These are 55 patients that drs nominate to be highlighted for their fundraising efforts for the children’s hospital. Each year they put on a Children’s challenge run. This year the event will be held on January 25th at the baseball grounds downtown. There is a 55k ultra marathon, a 55k relay race, a 30k run and a 1 mile fun run. We will be Georgie’s Joggers. Each relay, if you want to form one, will have 11 members on it and each runner on the team  will run a 5k. Mitch, myself and my kids will all be running the 1 mile fun run. Races start at 7am and the event runs through 2pm. There will be all kinds of fun family activities and food trucks as well. We have designed a T-shirt if anyone would be interested in purchasing one. The link to sign up and the information on all of the races is https://www.wolfsonchildrenschallenge.com/register My email is amy@turnoversinc.com if you have any questions or if you would like for me to order you a shirt. 100% of the proceeds from the race registration goes to support Wolfson children’s hospital and the T-shirts’ that we are making will just be the cost of what I am charged to print them. You have an option to order a Wolfson children’s challenge race T-shirt when you register or you can purchase a  “Georgie’s Joggers” tee from me if you would like. Grab all your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors and form a team to run, come run or walk the 1 mile fun run or just come down to the baseball grounds to hang out at our tent and visit with us. This not only is a great cause but one dear to our hearts too. It will be a fun family event and a great time too. George will be featured in pictures along the race route and will be honored in a ceremony at 12:30. Here are some of the precious pictures from of our patient of the year. I hope you can come and join us. Bring your family and friends. Let me know if you have any questions at all.


  1. You are right! They are precious pictures. Art and I would love a t-shirt each to represent from afar.


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