Down but not out

Friday George went in for labs and since it was also a school holiday, Kate was able to join us. She picked the right day to be there too. His sweet nurse brought the kids chick fil a breakfast minis. Once again, treating our family like we were their own. George also picked out a valentines art project to paint in the toy bin. Nemours always has art with a heart in the waiting room for the children but George never gets to go in there because of isolation so this was a real treat for him to do while he waited in his room. Although he gets to paint and do art when he is at Wolfson, he never gets to go out to the waiting room at Nemours with his sisters and he always wants to. They drew his labs and sent us away with the unknown plan of a blood transfusion for the weekend. They wanted to wait to see what the days labs brought. Well, turns out they weren’t good labs at all. Everything dropped. Everything. Hemoglobin, platelets, ANC, you name it. It all dropped. I gave him another Neupegen shot and was told to watch for symptoms of weakness, tiredness and fevers. They will check him again on Monday at his chemo treatment and order the blood then for a Wednesday transfusion. It takes the blood bank 2 days to cross type George’s blood since his anemia is so bad. Once again we are reminded that this transplant is not over. Not even close. George has been struggling lately with everything. He seems to be to be tiring of it all. I don’t blame him. He goes through so much. And let’s not even forget about physically what he must be feeling like because of all of the different medicines. He is poked, prodded, drugged, and driven to appointment after appointment daily and, for the most part, has a great attitude about it all. Not typical for a two year old I think. When I feel like throwing in the towel, which is a lot, I remind myself about how George must be feeling and he just keeps pushing on. I have it easy compared to him. Way easy. So with this bad news we sharpen our prayers. We trust in our wonderful and loving Father in heaven and we push forward until we reach the day where this is all just a distant memory. Prayers for strong marrow and strong blood. We pray for strength as we head into another hard week of treatments. We pray for joy. Joyful hearts, joyful attitudes and joyful spirits. Thank you God for all that you continue blessing us with. Thank you for all the love and support that we continue to have throughout this long journey. Our God is good.
 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4


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