New year, new George

This year will be the year of New George. Last year was focused on getting him to and through transplant. This year we will be focusing on his wonderful new life. There were so many things that George missed out on last year as far as typical 2 year olds experience. In a few months he will hopefully be able to start living life as a healthy little boy. He will be potty trained. He will learn to swim. He will get to go to the park playground. He will get to go to birthday parties. He will get to travel. He will even get to start school at the end of summer. Lots and lots a big firsts for George. Best of all, he will not be dependent on medicine to keep him healthy and alive. Huge, huge praise.  I think I will always be more cautious with George then I was with my girls but he should be able to live a healthy and normal life very soon. What a mind blowing reality to think about. What an exciting life he will live. It’s getting very close to the victory line and we are all so giddy thinking about what this year will bring. At his appointment yesterday his counts had dropped some which means that the anemia is still present, but it’s not rapidly overtaking his blood like it was doing before. He will start a new 4 session round of chemo either next week or the following week depending on insurance approval. He is feeling great and full of energy and life. And personality. Boy does he have a good one. You know how when one of your senses are gone or lacking, another sense seems to be heightened. Well, I think when George had his bad blood, his personality decided to over achieve. Thank you Lord for this. It helps us all to get through hard times and frustrating test results. It’s impossible to be sad or tired when you have your own personal stand up comic around. We start off this new year with high hopes and with so much to be thankful for. Thank you God for getting us through the hardest year of our lives. Thank you God for such a bright outlook for this year to come. Thank you God for all you have blessed us with.  

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4


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