No news is good news??
Monday we took the day off from Nemours and I was able to head to a fancy lunch (meaning not fast food) and a movie with Bowers and Kate. George’s nanny (mom mom) and George spent the day playing and laughing. Thank goodness he makes her laugh so much or I don’t think she would agree to watch him as much as she does. Tuesday, we headed in for labs and a dr visit. His labs came back and showed that his hemoglobin had dropped. Not a ton but it did. I was actually thinking it might have gone up because his color was so pink and he had been so full of life and energy all weekend. The pinkness might have been from the overload of outdoor play Saturday and Sunday where he may or may not have been in just a diaper. Boys love to feel free I guess. My girls always liked to be fully clothed at all times. Not George. Look away for a minute and he will be shirtless or completely naked. He also decided that he wanted to start using the potty this week. He randomly said he had to go to the bathroom and that’s all it took. He is so determined now to only use the potty and not wear diapers. Has there been an accident or two since this revelation? For sure but luckily only a few and he still is eager and determined to stay in his undies. Could this be? Is this that time? As happy as this makes me it also makes me sad to know my baby isn’t a baby anymore. My girls were potty trained in a day. I thought George would be in diapers until he was 4 honestly. I guess he showed me. We go back in tomorrow for labs, a dr appointment and then another IV treatment at the day hospital. This one is not for chemo though. It is for a strong antibiotic that he receives every month. The dr will look at his labs tomorrow and see where he is and then come up with a new plan of action for George. We are also waiting to hear any day now whether or not George is 100% Kate. If you remember, he had come so close in the last test. He was almost there. Big prayers that he has completed that and that the transplant was officially a success. It will not mean that the transplant process is over, by a long shot, but it will mean that he no longer has any of his own marrow and is fully and completely Kate’s cells. Wow, the thought. Some would say science is amazing. Yes, I agree. It is amazing that you can take on someone else’s cells and live a new life. I know though above and beyond science is the true reason why this can happen. God. Period. So once again, we are thanking God for all of these crazy amazing blessings and continued healing of George and his blood. Tomorrow comes some news. I know whatever the news is about the next step for George will be the right one. I trust fully and am up for whatever the outcome may be. Praying so hard for this transplant to be complete. Praying so hard for continued healing. Praying so hard for the next step to actually be no step at all but a leap into the right direction on his progress.
Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1
Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1
Oh, I'm praying those prayers too. Please, God.