Rite of passage

Life lived as a potty trained little boy has been wonderful. George is so funny. He has really just taken to it like diapers never even existed. He doesn’t even wear one at night. It’s amazing. I think God threw me a bone on this one. George has even learned, and quite likes, pee peeing in the great outdoors. I think it is every boys rite of passage to be able to use the potty outside. George sure thinks it is the coolest thing on the planet. Today his labs came back with some really encouraging news. His hemoglobin came up on its own. It was at 9.8 today. Huge huge praise!!! I believe with my whole heart that this is going to be the turn around in the anemia. What awesome news! But it wouldn’t be George if some bad news didn’t come hand in hand with the good stuff. His neutrophils have dropped once again. More Neupegen shots start today and will continue every other day until his counts raise and are consistent. Who knows why this is happening. He remains a medical mystery once again. His IgG levels (antibodies) have dropped so he will have an IV treatment at the day hospital on Monday to receive some of these. Now are you confused yet? Wasn’t George given tons of chemo to kill off his antibodies because they were attacking his hemoglobin? The answer to that is yes. Head scratcher, right? Apparently there are good antibodies and bad antibodies. George needed to have his bad antibodies killed off but now his good ones are dropping too. Medical science sure is something else. I just listen to the drs and nod as if it makes sense to me. Because it doesn’t. He will go in for more labs and a dr appointment on Tuesday. He will then go in for his MRI on Wednesday to see how much and where the extra iron is being stored in his organs. Please be praying for this. They said they will try to get the MRI done without putting him to sleep first but if it’s not successful (he is squirmy) then they will have to put him under. George has been put under so many times before so we know the drill. He will be alright and either way it will be to serve his best interest as far as the end result but they like to really freak you out when they go into long explanations as to why they don’t want to have to put him under. The legality of it all! I sometimes wish they would just do what they needed to do and leave out all of the negative possibilities. Not today Satan. Not today. I know God will protect him and keep him safe through it all. Always. Prayers that they are able to find what they are looking for so that they can come up with the right plan to fix the problem. And that we will never need another blood transfusion again. Can I get an AMEN?! Prayers for a healing, relaxing and peaceful weekend as we head into a super busy next week. Huge thanksgiving for his rising hemoglobin. Prayers for whatever is going on inside George’s body that is causing his neutrophils to drop, to heal and go away. Tonight we celebrate and pray. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. But I’m gonna ride the high of the good news and look forward to seeing what his labs show on Monday.  "Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." ~ Jeremiah 33:6


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