Say what?
Thursday we went in for our labs and for the IV treatment at the day hospital. It was a good day. Nothing exciting. Nothing really out of the ordinary. George did receive a special little beanie baby Goose name Loosey upon arrival which he really took a liking to. Maybe it was because it was such a random stuffed animal to receive or maybe he just genuinely likes geese. Either way, Loosey quickly became Georgie’s best buddy. I did not get any results on Thursday nor did I get any answers to any of the questions I had on a game plan. This may set some people into a nervous tailspin of “what if’s” or “why aren’t they calling me”. Not me. It actually helps me to enjoy my weekend and not think about George’s health for a short time. When I don’t hear news I always assume it’s for the best. Regardless of if that is the case or not. So we enjoyed our no news bliss until we went for labs today. Boy that was a nice break. I guess it was preparing me for the heavy news given today. First thing first though. He is so so so close to being 100% Kate right now. He is at 94%. This is considered a successful transplant. He will be at 100% in no time at all. Praise the Lord. What an answered prayer. It really is amazing to know that this whole transplant went so well. I am blown away by its success. But now comes the load. Although his hemoglobin held at 9 again today, his other counts that show if the anemia is still present were still very elevated. He is also needing to now get an MRI to show where and how bad his body is storing up all the extra iron from all of the blood transfusion he has had to date. When you get a transfusion, the iron in the blood doesn’t rid itself through urine like it does when it is your own blood. It stores it up in your kidneys and heart. Since the anemia is not under control yet they need to find out how much is already stored and then start him on a medicine that will help release and rid the extra iron from his organs. This is not something that will damage him today but if untreated and compounded it will cause major problems. His ANC also had dropped to 520 which is a total head scratcher. His ANC has been so excellent lately that we haven’t even been paying much attention to those counts. We have to give him a Neupegen shot today to try and rev that back up and then we will need to go back Thursday for more labs and another dr appointment. Between now and then they will be trying to come up with the plan on adjusting his medications, a new plan of action for getting rid of the anemia and also a plan of when to have the MRI done for the iron build up. So like I said, the long weekend with no updates was actually a nice little break for my mind to rest and enjoy some stress free family time. Now back to our knees in a big way. The anemia thing is really a mystery to even the drs. Only 6 other patients have ever had this happen and all 5 of the others got it under control after all the treatments that George has had. We always knew he was special. I just wish it was not for this. I am not doubting this plan at all. I know it will all make sense one day and we will not even remember any of these hurdles. George just likes to keep us on our toes and never resting in a comfortable place. I read something online this past week that said “God will give you more than you can handle so that you can give it all over to Him.” I love this. It is so dead on. We give this ALL over to Him and trust in his mighty plan.
Precious photos. <3 Love you and praying for you-- always.