Bugs and tubes

Yesterday George spent the day at Wolfson day hospital to receive an IV treatment of antibodies. This is a long process so we camped out for the day. George always brings something with him when we go places (not annoying at all) and so this time he chose to bring his bug catching net. This net has brought so much entertainment to George. He catches anything and everything he can. Including people. He insisted that this was the best toy to bring since there were so many bugs and fish at the hospital. As we walked the long winding path through the different hospital halls he swooped left and right and up and down. Other pedestrians were leaping out of harms way as the Exterminator did a thorough sweep of the premises. Never a dull moment with this guy. The labs that were taken yesterday came back with pleasing results. His hemoglobin had once again held at 9.2. His platelets were up and thanks to the Neupegen so was his ANC. So much so that we get to stop taking it for the time being. Today we went in for a dr visit and were told that we are able to start to come down a half of a unit of the daily steroid dose. So close to being off of it now and we are really happy for this. One tiny step closer to being medicine free. Now when I say tiny I mean tiny. He still is on so much medicine it would make your head spin and he is getting ready to be put on more for the iron build up. But in time, I know he will live a medicine free life. I just know it. He was referred, however, to see a pulmonologist at the end of the month.  This is because he hasn’t been able to kick this cold and cough he has had for the past 6 weeks. His dr said that they need to get to the bottom of what could be going on.  Pulmonology will be able to hone in on the problem more accurately then a hematologist. So another new Dr to meet for our boy. Praying that it will all be good and just a giant cold that is lingering. Tomorrow he was scheduled for his MRI to see about iron storing up in his organs. They sent us over for a practice run today to see if he would be able to do it without anesthesia. I honestly thought he could do it. Giant laugh out loud moment. He failed so bad. I’m not sure if it was the practice tube they asked him to climb in, the loud sound stimulation of the actual MRI or the repetitive holding of the breath that is required of him. I do know is that he will be needing to be put under and I’ll leave it at that. At least the nurses and I got a big laugh out of the fact that I actually thought he could do it without sedition. So he is now not getting the MRI tomorrow but on the 26th instead. We will go back to the dr for more labs Thursday. Praying for more good news on his counts and continually on his overall health and healing. He seems really good but I can tell he still has some internal issues going on. We will just keep pressing on and continue to believe on his total healing. George is so special. He is so funny. He is such a boy. He is so smart. I am so thankful that we had the foresight of giving him his transplant right when he turned 2. Everyday it seems like he is more and more aware and resistant to all he gets put through. This is all just happening within the past two months though. He was a dream patient throughout the past year. I think it was because of his age. Although he is still a dream patient according to all his drs and nurses compared to most children, he for sure knows what’s going on and has an opinion on it. He sure makes life not boring. Keep on fighting George. That means you are a warrior.

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4


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