Indefinite seclusion

It has been a wonderful time relaxing at the beach all last week. We had to come in for 2 dr appointments but headed straight back to paradise after. We had a really great time unplugging from real life and taking in all of the wonderful weather and peace and quiet. Last weeks counts were wonderful. His hemoglobin was up to 10.1. That is so awesome! He was looking and feeling great all week. We came home to the doom and gloom of the oh so real threat of this Coronavirus. It’s easy to check out and not feel stressed about something so big when you are all alone in a bubble of a beach house. Now that we are back, the heaviness of it all is looming. Kate woke up in the middle of the night last night with a fever. She seems fine today though. I feel a little weird health wise. Just not 100%. I took George in today for labs and his ANC has dropped below 1000 which means any fever he gets he will have to be admitted to the hospital. We will give him some Neupegen tomorrow to help boost the white blood cells. The low neutrophil count means he is fighting something inside his body. He doesn’t look sick. He isn’t acting sick. But his counts show otherwise. His hemoglobin was at 10 so that is still good and his platelets were great too. We just need to pray extra hard for George throughout this pandemic. Going into Nemours today really opened my eyes to how serious this all is. It was like a ghost town. You had to pass through 4 personnel answering various questions before entering the lobby. The kids walk that connects the two hospitals is shut down. They have canceled all but necessary appointments for everyone. They are on high alert. The media is not accurate on how many cases are confirmed in Jacksonville. There are a lot more. They are very concerned with how this virus is spreading. A lot of people are taking this time off of work and school to plan get togethers or play dates. People think that since it won’t directly effect them as far as their own health if they do contract it that they do not need to take this seriously. Well I hope that people rethink this if that is how you are understanding the virus to be like. True, if you are healthy then you don’t need to worry about dying if you were to get it but what about all of the children with weakened immune systems? What about elderly. What about someone with another condition that would make it hard for them to survive this if they did catch it. These are who the quarantine are for. This virus is airborne. This virus lives on surfaces. It may not effect your health but it could easily take someone else’s life. Please just try and really stay home and away from other people. It’s hard. Listen, I know. I have a husband who now works from home and three very active kids. I also love events and making plans. It’s not easy to be cooped up. But as a mother of a boy who may not make it if he were to contract the Coronavirus, I sure think that truly staying in quarantine is something that everyone should take seriously. Now that I have preached my opinion to all of you guys I will end on a lighter note. This too shall pass. God will protect us and we will all look back at this and giggle as to how people stock piled toilet paper. I am praying for not only George to be spared from this illness but also for everyone who may have underlying conditions or other health concerns. We are rejoicing  because we see how perfect Gods timing in this was. Had this happened 6 months ago or even a year ago it would have been far more dire of a situation for George. He is strong and doing so well now that I know he will conquer anything put in his way. God made George a warrior. He will see him to his victory. Now if you need to see us over the next few months you can drive by our house and wave because we will not be doing anything until this is all behind us. Thank you once again for all of the countless prayers for us and for George.
Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.   Psalm 57:1


  1. I see George’s hair is getting darker. Is that just age-related or is it part of becoming more Kate?


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