
Due to a dentist appointment, Kate couldn’t go to school so she was able to join George at his dr appointment yesterday. He loves having someone come with him to “his” dr. He shows off big time. The child life specialist that works on the 8th floor at Nemours has a basket full of light up toys to distract the kids when they are being accessed or getting other treatments. These are George’s favorites. He told his nurse right when he walked in that he wanted Joli (the child life specialist) to bring in the light ups for Kate to see. He turned off the overhead lights and they started their very own rave. Now what’s a rave without rave music? You know I had to. Luckily the staff knows we always have loud parties in our room so they are use to our dance moves and noises that come with it. George’s labs came back this morning and guess what? His hemoglobin is up again! On its own. It came up to 9.8. I can’t even with this great news. It’s happening. His anemia is finally going in the right direction. Please Lord help this to be the case. Help him to just keep climbing that mountain to reach victory. It feels so close. This is such promising and wonderful news. I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I’m going to anyways. I am rejoicing in this victory. Praise the Lord. Thank you for this flicker of hope. It’s so exciting!! Today starts spring break for my girls. We are going to stay at my sisters beach house all next week since George still needs to be in seclusion. Not a bad way to have to quarantine yourself. We all need some good vitamin D and salt water. The beach always feels so healing to me. We will come in for labs and a dr appointment but we will be healing mentally and hopefully physically too while soaking up the goodness around us for the week. Rejoicing in this wonderful report and for hope in knowing that this anemia part of George’s journey may be over soon. Here is the lyrics of one of my favorite songs. It is by Elevation Worship called See a Victory.

The weapon may be formed, but it won't prosper
When the darkness falls, it won't prevail
'Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph
My God will never fail
Oh, my God will never fail
I'm gonna see a victory
I'm gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I'm gonna see a victory
I'm gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord (oh yeah)
There's power in the mighty name of Jesus
Every war He wages He will win
I'm not backing down from any giant
'Cause I know how this story ends
Yes, I know how this story ends


  1. Yay! I love this report!! Relax and enjoy your week!

  2. This makes me happy to read! Rejoicing along with you! Hugs!


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