Cookie Monster

Each week our sweet sweet neighbor bakes homemade cookies for me to take into the nurses and drs at Nemours. She never misses a week. At this point I don’t think I would be allowed to enter the doors at Nemours if I didn’t have the cookies. They love that I bring them and they appreciate it so much. They even have a guessing game as to which kind I will bring each week. It is such an amazing gesture and labor of love that my neighbor does on behalf of George. I get all the credit even though they are fully aware that she makes them and not me. I look like the hero when all I am is the delivery girl. Well, we also have the duty of taste testing them before we give them to the staff. You know, making sure they aren’t poisoned. Someone has to do it and George and I are just the right candidates for the job. I have to cut him off at 3 so there will be some left for everyone else. I will not confirm the number that I cut myself off with. We love them just as much as the nurses and drs do. I was recently on a Zoom conference call with 22 other drs and nurses discussing plans for the remodel of the Hematology/Oncology floor at Nemours. Guess what was brought up? The cookies. The chief of Staff mentioned the weekly cookies to everyone on the conference call. I would say that the cookies have made a big impact. So in conclusion, my neighbor is an actual angel. The hospital staff loves the kind gesture. George could enter a cookie eating contest and easily win. His labs came back today with some great encouragement. His hemoglobin came up to 10.3. His platelets came up and so did his ANC. Praise the Lord!!! He is feeling and looking great. He grew a half an inch and gained a pound. He will go on Thursday to the Wolfson Day Hospital for his monthly IV treatment of some high dose antibiotics. He also is due for his annual Bone Marrow aspiration. I am hoping he can have this procedure done at the beginning of June while he is under for his MRI which will show the iron build up in his organs. That would be really great. George has been put under anesthesia a lot in his short life and the last time he was under it didn’t go so well. They kept him under for over 6 hours where it was only suppose to be for an hour and a half and he had trouble waking up. That’s a whole other story. I just would love to hear them say they could knock it both out at once. More on that to come. Right now we will just bask in Our God’s latest blessing and celebrate this great report. God never disappoints. He is steadfast and faithful in His promises. As we approach the year mark of George’s transplant (say what?!) we are so thankful for every step of the journey. The good, the bad and the uncertain. God continues to carry us. He has never left our sides not for one minute.

Proverbs 25:25

Like cold water to a weary soul,
So is good news from a distant land.


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