Thanksgiving (not so) break

Well this week is technically Thanksgiving break but it really wouldn’t be a holiday without the Mitchell family getting sick. Kate, George and Mitch all have colds. I’m certain Bowers will be going down at any point too. Thankfully this is not a bigger virus then it is. Just a typical hard hitting cold that accompanies runny noses and coughs. Monday George’s labs were a little low so with the long weekend coming up they wanted to make sure he was all taken care of. He had to get some Neupagen yesterday to raise his ANC and will keep taking that until his counts come back up. His hemoglobin has dropped again so he is currently in the middle of a blood transfusion. His platelets did go up to 82 so that is a praise! He will leave Nemours after the transfusion today and head to the hospital for an antibiotic IV drip. He was not suppose to still be getting this one but since his counts were low they decided to go ahead with another round. Tomorrow we will come back in for labs and hop...